ABCs of Kindergarten!



Attendance is very important! If your child misses school, please remember to write a note or call the office telling why your child was absent.

Always check your child's
Bookbag every day!  Every child's Birthday is important.  Please contact us if you'd like to send in a special snack. We will recognize summer birthdays at the end of the school year or on their 1/2 birthday. You may choose your own date! 

You will receive a school Calendar every month to let you know what's happening. Please post it somewhere for easy reference. Communication is important. Feel free to contact us whenever you have a question or concern. Please keep the attached communication card in a convenient place for future reference!

Our system for
Discipline is simple. We work hard to make the classroom a positive and safe place for all. Rules are agreed upon during the first week of school and read and discussed daily. Problems are looked upon as just that--problems to be solved.

Please help your child learn to Enter and Exit the building safely. They should always be escorted by a grown-up when crossing the parking lot.

We will be going on
Field trips. We always like for parents to go with us, but younger siblings cannot go along.

G is for the good times we will have learning all year! 

Students will have Homework almost every week.

The Homework assignments will vary and will be sent home in your child's homework folder every Monday.  Please return the homework in the homework folder on Friday. The children will earn stickers on their folder for all homework completed and returned on time.

It is
Important to keep all records current. If you move, get a new phone number, or change babysitters, please be sure to inform the school.  Also, don't forget to send the Important Paper envelope back each day of school!

Don't forget to
Join the Village View PTA! Parent participation is important and valued.

Keys to a successful school year include good communication between home and school, a positive attitude, homework turned in on time and good attendance.

We will be checking out
Library books each week. The books will stay at school for us to share with each other and our reading buddies.

Money is difficult for a child to keep track of. Please send in any money in a sealed, labeled envelope.
Our school
Nurse is on staff to take care of any emergencies and needed medications.   If your child has a fever or has been sick the night before, please do not send him/her to school.

Always sign your child in and out of the
Office when picking him/her up or dropping off.  Please be prompt when picking your child up.

Parent/teacher conferences will be held during October.   We will look forward to meeting each parent individually!   Please make sure that we have your current Phone number at home and at work. We also need a number of a trusted friend or family member to call if we can not reach you.   It's important that we be able to reach you in case of an emergency.

Always let us know if you have any
Questions or concerns.  We'll gladlyaddress them!  Please review our school Rules with your child. It's important that your child understands and follows our classroom rules. 

 Reading is very important.  Please read to your child as often as possible. Don't forget to turn in your child's RAH (Reading at Home) reading log each week.

We will do
Show and Tell at school. You will know when it is your child's turn when he/she brings home the "Super Sack!" Please return the sack the following day for the next person to have their turn.


Please help your child learn to
Tie his/her shoes. We hope that everyone knows how by December!

Your child is important to us! We will always treat your child with lots of love, respect, and

We love parent
Volunteers. If you have some time to offer--either in the classroom or at home, please fill out and return the parent volunteer form.   Help is always needed and appreciated.  If you aren't able to come for any reason, please give as much notice as possible.  We count and plan on you!!  You must always sign in at the office and get a Visitor's pass.  Strangers on campus cause concern and will be asked to report to the office. Remember, --not everyone knows you.

Have your child
Wear practical clothes to school.  We will make every effort to protect your child's clothes. Also, please label all jackets, sweaters, backpacks, and lunch pails with permanent ink.

We have e
xtra clothes in the nurse's office if your child has an accident, or gets wet, etc.  If your child needs a change, the school nurse has some articles of clothing that she will lend. The supply is very limited! These clothes need to be washed and returned as soon as possible. NOTE: If you have any old clothes to donate to the school, it would be greatly appreciated.

Please remember that
you are your child's first and most important teacher. No one can influence your child's life in the way that you can!

Z is for zoom! Sit back and watch your child's skills take off! You will be amazed and surprised at the changes this year.

Mrs. Critchell can be contacted by:
Email at: linda(dot)c(at)kinderteacher(dot)com