Even though many
schools are not in session during the month of June,
all of the ideas can be used as end-of-the-year
activities that can be completed at home or school.
There are ideas for helping you set up a Homework
Plan that can be used throughout the school year.
Included in the
package are: a Home Project, two weekly
packages and a summer package of daily homework
activities for students to work on throughout the
summer months. There are many ideas and
suggestions for parents to assist their child in
retaining skills taught in Kindergarten.
The homework cover sheets are
formatted to make it easy for you to change the
weekly assignments to suit your needs. You can
mix and match the assignments! Choose what you
would like to do and save the other activities for
use in the classroom.

This is a sample homework
folder that I used and found to work well for students to
use for taking homework to and from school.
Directions and patterns are provided for you to use this

samples do not show up clearly here, but will print
clearly with the PDF files.

The June Home Project
is a fun activity for students to decorate a "paper doll" of
themselves to show what they liked best about
Kindergarten. A body template and a letter to
the parents is provided to make this an easy to do
project. A bulletin board banner is also given
that you can put together and use for a very cute
bulletin board!

You can also have
students write about what they liked best about
Kindergarten. These can be displayed with the
completed "dolls" for a terrific bulletin
board for Open House or the end-of-the year!

Bulletin Board Banner

Week 1 Homework
The homework for the
first week includes a little book that students make
about their favorite things. The book has eight
¼ sheet pages
(see sample below.) This package has one paper
for students to practice writing all the letters of
the alphabet with examples given in dotted letters.
Another fun page for students to complete is a record
their height, weight and handprint. A great
Math game for students is given for students to
practice addition facts and different ways to add.
There is also a math grid for students to practice
writing the numbers from 1-100. There are a
total of seven pages in the first week of

The cover sheet is a
direction page for the parents to assist their child
with the homework packet. Helpful suggestions
are provided and with ideas on how to help their
child throughout the summer.
This page is given in
a format that you can edit. If you would like
to add or delete items, it is very easy to customize
the homework packet.
Below are five
samples that are included in the first weekly package.
The samples are a bit distorted, but the PDFs will
print clearly.

Week 2 Homework
Please note that the
samples do not show up clearly here, but will print
clearly with the PDF files.

The homework packet
for this week includes a cover sheet to provide
directions and ideas for parents to assist their
child in completing the homework. This can also
be edited if you need to make changes.
Also included in
the second week homework package are activities for
Boom Math Game for number recognition, a student made book to reinforce
color words, alphabet practice, a math measurement
activity to teach how to measure household objects,
and an eight page student (½
pages) Kindergarten memory book of
favorite things they liked during their year in

Summer Skill Practice
Since most schools are
not in session for the third and fourth week of June,
summer skill practice activities and ideas are given
for parents to use throughout the summer.
The list of activities
include the following:
Daily activities for
each day throughout the summer are given on calendars
for June, July and August. The calendars include reading, math, and many other
activities to reinforce and practice
Kindergarten skills to help better prepare students
for first grade.

An alphabet letter and
sound assessment is given with directions and
suggestions for parents to use for teaching and
reinforcing the alphabet letter names and sound.
Also included are the consonant blends and common
word endings.

Phonemic awareness
activities and ideas are suggested for parents to use for
rhyming words, finding the beginning, middle and
ending sounds in words.

Dolch Word list with the 100 most commonly used words
is given with a full page of ideas on how parents can
help their child master these words during the
Other activities (not
pictured) include:
1. An alphabet
letter chart with arrows is included to show how each
letter should be correctly written. There is
also a blank grid for students to practice writing
capital and lower-case letters during the summer.
2. A blank
number grid is included to provide extra practice in
writing numbers from 1-100.
The June Homework
Package includes a home project and two weekly
homework packets for the first two weeks in the
month. In addition, there are more than ten
pages in the Summer Homework package. These
pages are for use during the summer months to help
students retain reading and math skills.
There are a total of
35 pages in the June Package. These pages can
be used for homework or in the classroom for skill
work. The package is available for $15.
After payment is
received, an access link will be provided for you to
be able to instantly access the materials. If you
would like to pay by check, please contact me at:
(please replace the words inside the () with the correct symbol)
Please let
me know if you have any questions.
****Please note I
will email the access link within 24 hours to the
email address on your Paypal account. If you have
not received an email with the access link within
this time, please contact me!

If you are interested
in the purchasing more than one Homework Package,
there is a 10% discount given. Please indicate in
the message area or email me to let me know which
months you are interested in purchasing.
If you would like to
order a combination of the monthly idea packages and
homework, you may also order below since the price is
the same for both packages. Please
contact me if you have any questions.
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