Kindergarten or Pre-school
Graduation Invitations
Graduation Invitations can be ordered for Pre-school or Kindergarten. Cards are printed on a nice quality, white cardstock. The invitations are one piece, flat invitations with envelopes. They are approximately 4¼ x 8½ inches in size. The invitations will be personalized with your school and information. You may order any number that you need with a minimum number of 10 cards. The price for 10 cards is $12.50 and 22 invitations for $25. Shipping is $3 per order regardless of the number of cards order!
You will need to provide the following information with your payment:
1. Date & time
2. Name of School with address
3. Any changes that you would like to make.
Please email me if you need a different number of cards or for any questions.
To order 10 cards
Certificates, Buttons and Pins are also available. Click on the pictures below for more information.
Any questions, or if you need more information, please write me at
(please replace the words inside the ()
with the correct symbol)
We apologize for the complicated way to give
you the e mail address. Too many spammers have stolen links and sent spam that
looks like it came from us, but was actually sent by the spammers