



  Kindergartners singing in the MPR for two shows.   



   We had great fun doing the "Tooty Ta" with our friends.     






        We shared books.        


                                            Played games.    



We loved taking pictures and wish that we could share all of the pictures taken!  We will be saving them for the end of the year show.



We would like to thank everyone who was able to come to celebrate our Grandparents and Special Friends Day. 


Thank you Mrs. Bergman for your very generous bid of $120 for our class project.    She was thrilled to have our flower pot for her yard!  



  Mrs. Slegers helped us make our hanging turkeys.  Is that a wattle?  




We made a very cute turkey to tell all the things that we are thankful for. 


VIP of the Week!

Meet Miss J

We learned that she loves the color purple, she would like to visit her grandparents in Apple Valley, and she loves to eat broccoli and chicken nuggets. 



                                                   She also loves to swing!!






Making Patterns for our November calendar.        





We made little books for our treasure box to help us learn how to track the words as we read.  Please continue to practice this skill at home with your child.




                                                                                                                  We also illustrated our little books. 


Mrs. Critchell would like to thank everyone for the beautiful, edible fruit basket.  It was almost too pretty to eat....but, we all did enjoy it!  It was a wonderful birthday.  THANKS!! 


Alpha Friends

We play games to help us learn the letter sounds and names.  Please continue to work on these at home.  Also, don't forget to visit for lots of fun games to play for beginning reading skills.  If your child already knows all of the letters and sounds, there are lots of games there to help him/her start to sound blend for beginning reading skills. 




We celebrated Veteran's Day with making a poppy and learning a little poem about this important holiday.  We also had two Veteran's speak to the whole school at our flag ceremony.  Ask your child to tell you the story of why we use the poppy to celebrate Veteran's Day. 


October Award Winners for Language Arts, Citizenship, On a Roll, and Reading!



Everyone loves recess!





Fun Photos this week

                                 The Share Sack


                  Scarecrow Frames


         Doing Trimester Assessments  

  We loved retelling the story "There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie!"


                                                         Making Pilgrim People     


Free Choice Fun            


Thanksgiving Cards for our Family   


Preparing for our Feast

Making patterned placemats with our Reading Buddies.



We also made our vests and beaded necklaces.           


The food was wonderful and we thank everyone for the very generous donations.






Happy Birthday to Miss E!!

We celebrated Miss E's fifth birthday with great cupcakes and drinks that she brought for everyone.  She picked the princess package from the birthday box as her prize.  Thanks so much for sharing your birthday with us. 









Journal Writing          




We loved the little book, "The Scarecrow" to help us learn color words and how to track words as we read.  Please continue to reinforce this by having your child point to the words as you read.  They loved the little crow on the stick to help them point to each word!


We read about the legend of the poinsettia and made beautiful pictures.    


  We are doing a unit on the story of the Gingerbread Man for the month of December.  We will be reading lots of different versions of the book and would appreciate any books that you have of the story that you would like to share.  Mrs. Todd and our aide, Miss Carol, did a great job of making our own gingerbread house!  Look closely and you can see the gingerbread man in the window.  This was a part of the story that we read of "The Gingerbread Baby" by Jan Brett.


Fun Photos


Nitty Gritty Things        


1.  We would like to have any three pound, metal coffee cans that anyone might have.  We will be using them for an upcoming project.

2.  Please continue to read each night for 20 minutes for our RAH program.  When each child returns their RAH log at the first of each month, they receive a special "Book Worm" button and a chance to win free books.  The November log should be sent in on Monday, December 3. 

3.  The following items have been posted on our "Wish List" for the month of December.  If you have any of these things that you could share, we would greatly appreciate it.

                                              1.  Large 2 pd. container of cinnamon (Smart and Final)

                                              2.  Small (approx. 1 inch) Holiday foam pieces or stickers

                                              3.  Holiday sparkly stickers                       

