Flannel or Magnetic Board Sets
and Finger Puppets
Flannel Board Sets
The story board sets are made using heavy laminated paper with Velcro or a magnetic strip attached to the back. Paypal is offered and is a faster way to receive your flannel board sets. If you would like to pay by check or money order, please contact me by email for address.
***Note--- Story boards pieces are made using Velcro backing. If you need the magnetic backing, please let me know. These magnetic pieces work super well on white boards that are also magnetic!
"Bear Snores On"
Bear thinks he has missed the party while he is hibernating, but his friends find a great way to solve the problem! Such a cute story for any time of the year. $20 includes shipping.
Snowy Day is a classic story written by Ezra Jack Keats.
It tells the simple story of a little boy and the fun he has with
newly fallen snow. This flannel board sets includes the
book. $22 includes the book!
"There Was a Cold Lady"
is another fun version of the old lady that children will enjoy.
The fun twist at the end of the story is that she hiccups and out
pops a big snowman! If you don't have this version of the
old lady, I recommend it.
(click to enlarge) $15 includes shipping.
The Mitten
(click to enlarge)
This is one of Jan Brett's favorite stories of "The Mitten." The story works well for winter and weather themes. $20 includes shipping.
"Five Little Snowmen"
"Five Little Snowmen" flannel board set comes with two different poems and all of the pieces for both. It's great for phonemic awareness, sequencing and fun! $20 includes shipping.
"The Crayon Box That Talked"
(click to enlarge)
This is a wonderful story of accepting others who are different. It's a great story to use to start the year off, or in January for Martin Luther King Day. $15 for flannel board set or $20 includes the book.
For flannel board set only --$15
For flannel board set and the paperback book--$20
Polar Bear, Polar Bear
(click to enlarge)
This is a great flannel board set to re-tell the story of "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You See?" by Eric Carle. It also works well for polar units, winter themes, and kids love the story any time of the year! $20 includes shipping.
Six Little Penguins
"Six Little Penguins" flannel board set comes with the poem and characters to sequence the story. $15 includes shipping. $15 includes shipping.
click to enlarge
Abe Lincoln Story and Student Mini-Book Set
flannel board set includes a mini-book for students to make.
This mini-book pictured below is written in simple, emergent
level reading to help students learn important facts about our
16th president. This is a great activity with the flannel
board pictures to match the student version of the book on
Abraham Lincoln. The student mini-book is
available as a download that you can print. The mini-book
pictured below is a bit distorted, but the PDF file that you
receive is clear and easy to copy for use in your classroom.
$20 includes both the flannel board set and student mini-book.
George Washington Flannel Board Story
and Student Book Set
flannel board set also includes a mini-book for students to make.
This mini-book pictured below is written in simple, emergent
level reading to help students learn important facts about our
first president. The pictures in the flannel board set
match the pictures in the student mini-book. The student mini-book is
available as a download that you can print. The mini-book
pictured below is a bit distorted, but the PDF file that you
will receive is clear and easy to copy for use in your classroom.
$20 includes both the flannel board set and student mini-book.
Student Mini-book
Valentine Package
Two Fun, Valentine Activities
The first activity is a fun game to play all during the month of February and especially for a Valentine's Day party. "Five Little Valentines" can be handed out to five different students and then the poem is recited. As each child's name is called they can put the valentine on the flannel/magnetic board. It's a fun way to include students.
The second activity is for practice in counting by 10s. Several ideas and games are provided to help students learn to count and recognize the numbers. $20 includes shipping for both activities.
Celebrate Groundhog Day!
Shadow" is a great story to celebrate Groundhog's Day. $20
includes shipping.
click to enlarge
"My Lucky Day"
"My Lucky Day" is a super cute story of how the little pig outsmarts the fox. Everyone loves the humor, and children will beg you to read it again!
$20 includes shipping.
Rumble in the
is a rhyming story of a trip through the jungle highlighting each
of the animals. This would also be a great book for a unit
on the rainforest. Children will love the rhymes and
illustrations! $22 includes the paperback, too!
Five Little Leprechauns
Five Little Leprechauns is a fun set that is available for use on flannel or magnetic boards. The poem is also provided for use with phonemic awareness activities. $15
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick!
This is another great story of the Old Lady. Children will love the fun illustrations and rhyming story of her gobbling a chick, straw, eggs, jelly beans and basket for the surprising ending with the Easter Bunny! $15 includes shipping for flannel board set and $20 with "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Chick" paperback book.
To order the flannel board set click below.
To order the flannel board set with the paperback book.
Click, Clack, Moo
Cows that Type
This is a very cute, Caldecott award winning book. Farmer Brown tries to solve the problem of his cows on strike. Kids love the story and the funny ending! $15 includes shipping.
Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse
This is a terrific, Caldecott Honor Book that tells the story of the friendship between Alexander and his friend, Willy. It's available with or without the paperback book.
Flannel Board Set $20
Flannel Board Set with paperback book $22
Five Little Monkeys
"Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" comes with the poem and all the little monkeys, mom, doctor and bandages for their heads! $20 includes shipping.
"The Itsy Bitsy Spider"
This flannel board set comes with the poem and the directions for the hand movement, too. $15 includes shipping.
And, Bingo was his NAME-O!
Flannel board set with magnetic or Velcro backing for $10. Includes shipping.
"There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly"
(click to enlarge photo)
Goodnight Moon
This delightful, classic story is a favorite in children's literature. It's a great story for phonemic awareness and rhyming. $20 includes shipping.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
This is the classic fairy tale of the three, hungry billy goats who try to get over the bridge. $12 includes shipping.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bear flannel or magnetic set helps students in learning setting, characters, sequencing and having fun retelling this fairy tale! $20 includes shipping.
(click to enlarge photo)
Little Red Riding Hood
(click to enlarge photo)
Red Riding Hood's trip through the forest to visit Grandma's house will be big hit with all of the children! $15 includes shipping.
"The Three Little Pigs"
(click to enlarge photo)
The classic fairy tale of "The Three Little Pigs" is a favorite story for all. These watercolor drawings of the story will delight children and they will love telling the story over and over of the BIG, BAD WOLF! $20 includes shipping.
"The Little Red Hen"
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This is the classic story of "The Little Red Hen" asking for help in making her bread. $20 includes shipping.
Rainbow Fish
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Rainbow Fish comes with all of her glitter to tell the story of making friends and sharing with others. Kids will love the sparkle even though it is hard to see in the photo. $20 includes shipping.
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
(click to enlarge photo)
Alexander's story of his horrible day is a great story. Everything goes wrong for Alexander, and he wants to move to Australia. This fun, flannel board set has 13 pieces to tell the story. Children love using the pieces to sequence the story! $20 includes shipping.
"If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"
(click to enlarge photo)
Laura Numeroff's best selling book is easily told with all of the fun with this flannel board set. $20 includes shipping.
"If You Give a Pig a Pancake"
Click to enlarge
Another great story by Laura Numeroff that all of the kids enjoy reading over and over. It's also a great story for sequencing. $20 includes shipping.
"If You Give a Moose a Muffin"
love this circle story that starts and ends with a moose and his
love of muffins! It's a fun story to use with children in
guessing what comes next. $20 includes shipping.
Click to enlarge
Click here for more flannel board stories!
I do offer free delivery confirmation on packages. If you would like to have insurance on any purchase, please let me know. I cannot be responsible for lost packages. I will need to send you an updated invoice to cover the cost of insurance. Please email me.
The cost for insurance is:
$1.70 ................ $0.01 to $50
$2.15 ................ $50.01 to $100
$2.60 ................ $100.01 to $200
***For international purchases, please email for shipping costs.