Tissue Paper Hanging Ghosts
The ghosts were hung with the skeletons for Halloween.
We used a coat hanger to make all different shapes for the ghosts.
This is a job for an adult! Then the hanger was placed on top of a
full sheet of white tissue paper. A thick line of glue was applied
all around the wire of the coat hanger. Then another piece of tissue
was placed on top of the coat hanger to "sandwich" the wire coat hanger
between two sheets of tissue paper. The children cut eyes from
black construction paper and glued on the ghost. Then they traced
their hands using orange construction paper. The hands were glued on
at different places to make each ghost unique.
Click pictures to enlarge photos.

Wooden Haunted Houses
This is probably everyone's favorite Halloween project! Parents
save these and bring them out each year. I still have children tell
me years later that they have their Haunted House.
I start early in October asking parents for scrap wood and someone to
help us cut it into small pieces to construct the houses. The
triangles and odd shapes really look great, too! A base is needed
about 10-12 inches square. I suggest using a very thin piece of wood
since they are quite heavy.
The children dip each piece of wood in a bowl of white glue. Then
a parent puts a dap of hot glue on the piece and places it where the child
instructs them to put it. The hot glue holds the piece until the
white glue has a chance to set. If you only use white glue, the
house quickly falls apart!
We make these as early in the morning (outside or in a place that they
don't have to be moved.) Just before I leave school, I
bring them inside.
We paint the houses with black tempera. Then we decorate with the
fake spider's web, Halloween confetti pieces, etc. You can also use
white chalk to draw windows, doors, or creatures on the houses.
Click on the photo to see a picture of the houses that have not been
painted yet.

The pictures below are close up of the ones that we did
this year..

Each house is very unique and make cute centerpieces.
of the children added some plastic spiders, etc. The nice part is
that everyone feels successful.

Haunted House Stories
After making our wooden haunted houses, we like to write
stories. This is a combination art and writing activity.
adult will need to cut these haunted houses out. The windows and doors
were either cut out or flaps made to open. Yellow paper was glued behind
the open windows and doors for the children to be able to draw their own
"characters" for Halloween.
on picture.
Stellaluna Quilt
The idea for this quilt was taken from
Easy Literature-Based
Quilts Around the Year by Mariann Cigrand.
 Ghost Art with a Tissue

Ghosts can also be made with a tissue
glued down to a piece of black construction paper. We used a paper
punch for the eyes and buttons.